Send One of Message to Hyper-Segmented Audience Across Channel.

Deep Segmentation

Deep Segmentation

Create Micro Focused Segments Based on Profile Infromation and Behavioral Attributes.

Conversational Marketing is the fastes way to move customers through your sales funnel. With OmniBot, you can start a one-to-one conversation as soon as they land your website, in real-time. In relashonship marketing a one-to-one interaction is too vital, as it creates authentic experiences with customers and buyers.

Add Multiple Channels

Add Multiple Channels

Maximize Your ROI by Adding Multiple Channels to Your Broadcast Campaign.

Engage and Capture leads on your website when they want to. Learn what they want from you by asking qualifying quesrions. You can also send targeted messages and offers to the visitors who seem most likely to buy.

Schedule Broadcast

Schedule Broadcast

Schedule Your Broadcast for a Later Time to Be Sent on Your Customer’s Time Zone or Yours.

97% of consumers (eCommerce and otherwise) say they look for deals as they shop, 91% of customers who redeemed a coupon with a retailer intended to revisit that brand again. With OmniBot, start conversation with your customers and offer discounts and coupons on the way.

Broadcast Analytics

Broadcast Analytics

Slice, dice, and filter data to explore overlaps between segments and identify opportunities.

Use the data you already have about your subscribers and customers to personalize each messages. Depending on their behaviour on your website offer them exactly what they need. Combine Omnibot and Exit-Intent PopUp to get the maximum conversion.