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Purpose Oriented Design is Must to Optimize Landing Page – Chapter – 6

Purpose Oriented Design is Must to Optimize Landing Page – Chapter – 6

Attention Grabbing Design

People often evaluate your landing page by visual design alone. When you design your landing page, pay attention to the layout, images, typography, consistency issues and more so that your page visually looks amazing.

If your page looks armature, people won’t trust you. Make sure you design your landing page by a quality designer.

Image Placement

Picking the right image is not only the thing you need to consider but the placement of your image is also important.

The image has to be placed above the fold of the page and there are three common locations to place the image in the fold-

  • To the left
  • Centered
  • To the right

Check the outcome by placing the image in three different locations, see what works better for you.

Use a Single Column Layout

When you design your landing page go for a single column layout instead of multi column layout. In a single column layout, you will be able to show your information in a specific order easily and you can lead your users up to the bottom of the page.

Actually, a research via Marketing Experiments found that, using a single column layout increased conversion rates by more than 600% for a software company.

Use Anchor Text Links

For long landing pages, use anchor text links that will take the visitors directly to different sections of the page. People may not scroll down up to the bottom of your page.

If you can link your bottom part elements to your page content those are above the fold, your visitors will find them easily. So, try to use anchor text where necessary and relevant.

Use a Slider

A slider is an excellent to grab the visitor’s attention. You may use a slider to let your customers know about your promotions, upcoming products and to grow interest in a particular product category.

Opinion from your co-workers

Get the print out of your landing page and hang it to the wall so that people can see that easily. This will start up a discussion about the design of your landing page in your company.

Moreover, you will get some ideas from your co-workers that will help you to refine the page and to make it user friendly.

Use Famous Landing Pages as a Role Model

Before you design a landing page, it’s always better to gather some knowledge by doing some research on other famous landing pages.

Remember the Albert Einstein quote? “Creativity is the art of hiding your sources.”

By doing the research you should get some positive and negative points of those landing pages. Implement the positive points on your landing page and avoid the negative points. This way, you can design a best landing page.

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