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Design a High Converting Landing Page: Learn Where You Need to Focus

Sales strategy is the brain and nut of your business which brings cash for you.

[Tweet “Your customers are your seeds which eventually turns into a money tree!”]

However, you got to nurture your tree to be fruitful.

If you sneak on to your visitor’s behavior you will often see that a large number of visitors went back just before they could become a customer!

Ever wonder why? You got amazing products for the customers on your web page! It’s ranked well on search engine and also you got everything that you can deliver for your visitors but you are not getting the desired conversions

Your ultimate goal is to make more and more conversions through your landing page.


So how do you make a landing page which converts?


I assume that many of you know what’s landing page! So let me just break it down in simple words and save your time

Landing page is a special page, whose task is the conversion only – e.g. selling a product it consists of menu, ads and any other elements that would excite the user straight away click on “Buy now” (or filling in a form).

On the landing page, there is only information about product (benefits for the buyer), images and a large button “Buy” Arrangement of elements is optimized in a way that makes the website efficiency as high as possible.

Purpose of landing page:

  • attract the User’s attention
  • arouse his interest
  • show benefits
  • encourage to act (e.g. to buy)

A landing page acts as side kick to your home page and back you up when your visitors are looking for something specific. It retains your visitor as a lead if not a paid customer!

To build an effective landing page, one of the primary step is to analyze your targeted audience. So how do you do it? There are two simple ways-

Research on your customers Demo-graph /

These are the things you should know about your audience.

  • What’s their age?
  • Where are they from?
  • What salary brackets are they in?
  • Male or female?
  • Are they educated?
  • What’s their job?

Customer Psychographics
How to Use Psychographics in Your Marketing


Don’t worry! You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to get a grip on psychographics. The picture above may look bizarre, but it only shows the key areas where customers focus before they buy.
Get to your target by mixing demographics and psycho-graphics.

  • Check your previous customer data and find out their age, gender, selection, complaints, location, reviews & number of purchase or anything relevant you find.
  • Thus, you have a review cooked up for you to be serve and you can modify your sales venture accordingly.
  • Identifying your right customer is a vital part of your customer acquisition campaign.
  • Use your recorded data of past customers to analyze the trend of your customers!
  • Check their age, gender, selection, complaints, location, reviews & number of purchase or anything relevant you find.
  • Thus, you have a review cooked up for you to be serve and you can modify your sales venture accordingly.


Now, let’s have a quick run over getting information about your potential customer.

1st review your previous offers
and find out why they have failed to meet up your ROI. Make sure you avoid the techniques which deemed to be unsuccessful previously.

2nd Interviewing with standing clients
Interact with your best client more often, ask them about their lives.
Offer them exciting deals, send gifts for them as a token of appreciation.

Try getting feedback regarding your products as much you can. Make them feel that you care for them thus it will Rock-solid your connection with them.

3rd on-line research
Manage couple of hours every day to do online research, as they are really effective to distinguish what people want to know about your niche.

Around 40% of the world population has an internet connection today, it works as bridge between you and the whole world!

For example, you’re into Global property business and you want to know who are buying and selling houses?

Simply go to sites like Quora, Yahoo Answer, (Other forums) or simply type in “buy or sell house” in the search Box. You will find listed  amount of people those who are actually want to know about the topic

See the examples below (From Quora)


From these searched results,  you can easily find out what type of questions people actually are trying to know about
Now once you are all done with the boring analysis stuffs, you can start creating your own landing page.
Here are few sure tips for you-

8 Easy tips to create the perfect landing page design

  • A headline that speaks to the target audience
    [Tweet “Make your headline as if there’s no better place than this to find what they are actually looking for.”]
  • your company logo
    A logo of your company and that’s a unique thing which will separate you from others
  • A convincing benefit
    which you are going to offer place it above the fold( which means it can be seen without scrolling down )
  • A must CTA button
    CTA button is a door for your customer to enter and become your lead if not a paid subscriber. Remember, this is a significant part of your conversion and needs proper placement, design, and attribution.Here is an example-


  • Breathing  Space
    Always make sure you have allocated enough white space for your website, so if you don’t keep it than you are simply wasting time on your design.Whitespace helps you to capture the visitor’s eye during their first landing into your page.
  • Bullet Points
    when you write something with bullet points it increases the value of your service.
    As it’s easy to understand, therefore, your visitor will find your offer more convincingly valuable
  • A brief summary you can put in  underneath  of  your fold if needed(A fold is a segment which can be seen without being scrolling down)
  • Set an image of your product as images are the most shared and liked content on social sites. See the example below of a perfect landing page


7 common mistakes you must avoid while creating a landing page

  • A navigation menu – remember to focus only on your offer
    we tend to use navigation menu more often so just put it when you actually need it
  • Links to other parts of your sites such as “about”
  •  Picture tell a thousand words, but if it doesn’t relate to your offer than it becomes distractions for your Customers
  • Small fonts, which are hard to read
  • Any extra links other than CTA should not be aligned near to the placed CTA on the landing page. If you want to add any other links to redirect the visitor other than the CTAs, it’s recommended that it should be placed at the bottom of a landing page where a visitor can scroll down to see it. The reason is the CTAs should a standalone button that highlights an action exclusively.
  • Useless forms which have nothing to do with Visitors.


Here’s an example when you add those into your Landing Page



  •  Clear fields” button doesn’t work


Make sure you try all the tips, which are being listed above in your real life while creating a landing page which will be certain to give you benefits.


Inbound Marketing optimization on Your Landing Page

A competitive advantage  which can be achieved through greater value for customers either by low price or higher price which provides benefits in terms of money.

The greatest challenge in competitive business is how you regulate your work.
You have to work industrious way to achieve success. More or less

Hard work + Relevant Work +Smart work = Industrious
It’s all about your efforts that you put into work


[Tweet “A sense of urgency To create a word banter, which will help you to promote your offer.”]

For example, you can use the tactics which is called “BOGO” (Buy one! get one Free) so when you limit these sorts of offer into time limitation, Customers flow increases rapidly. Here’s an example

Steps for creating an optimized Landing Page

Evaluate Your Landing Page’s First Impression which will be a stand out itself

What do they see?

When a visitor first come to your site,

You would probably want them to understand what you are actually trying them to take action for.

If they don’t understand it, which means it’s a negative impression they are leaving behind your success,

As a result, you are not getting more and more subscribers.

So when it happens, it’s high time for you to re-assess everything.
The most common thing which turns away most of the visitors is page loading session.

If a page takes too long to load than it’s not something good for your business.

And according to an article on E-consultancy, almost half of visitors expect a website to load in two seconds or less.

So make your landing page more impressive than ever.

Does Your Page Have Emotional Resonance (Motivators)?

What’s the difference between ‘emotion’ and ‘emotional resonance?’

[Tweet “Visitors always want something, which is friendly and familiar to use.”]

An emotional resonance is all about creating a vibe or gesture which will attract your visitors and guide them to delve through your page.

People like humor, uniqueness, and color as well as picture and funny videos.

So if you can make a landing page which brings all these emotions into your page, then you are playing it according to their moods,

and it’s a great way to communicate with your visitors through your page’s emotional resonance.
One important thing, do not constantly use color for the sake of using it.

Suppose if you think blue invariably gain trust, it does but not regularly, same is with red as it doesn’t constantly signify anger.   Here’s an example
Want to Learn how to Create Emotionally Engaging Landing Pages?


Suppose you have a landing page which you have created to provide free guitar lessons for your audience.
I assume you play so cool with your tones.

You make all lessons in a super fine way, but do you think people will grab it just you say so, and also it’s free!

That’s why you need few Testimonials of your followers or fans only to let other know about your caliber.
Here’s an example

Social Proof

Suppose you are a nutrition expert and you provide healthy recipe for your visitors.

so as you do so, it’s obvious not everyone will know about how good you are unless you get endorsed (praised by expert people) and if you can put their comments as a quote into your page, it works as a social proof which works as a credibility of your work and builds a reputation of your expertise, these days social proof is getting more and more essential for most of the business.

Here’s an example


Trust Badge

To sell a product or service which can be any type,

whose goal is to increase traffic by bringing maximum traffic into the site,

and another goal is to generate more conversion from the traffic once they land into your page. Here’s an example


One of the best ways to increase conversions is to put a “Trust Badge” on a checkout page.

Once you put a trust badge it creates awareness within your customer whom they are not going to be a victim of fraudulence,
they feel more secured to buy your service or product. And as a business, it’s always important that customers feel secured.


[Tweet ” Develop a compelling value proposition which works”]

 I hope by the word “compelling” you certainly understand how effective for a business to have compelling value proposition (CVP) in order to excel.

A clear and meaningful proposition will give you a quick idea on how things will change either a good or bad way for your business from customer’s point of view.

However, you can’t sell a product or service until you articulate its value. A CVP is a huge influential part of your business, which helps you to grow.

 Three steps for developing a compelling value proposition

1 What brings customers in?

 True aspect of your proposition is to identify what customers want and what you can offer them,which your other competitors can’t.
You have to certainly make yourself standalone position,
which will focus on your offerings and strengthened the inadequacy in business competition.

2 Identifying Prospects’ benefits

you need to produce ideas which you believe that can be helpful for your customers.Initially, List the benefits which your customers going to get from your product or services.Then while reviewing the list make sure you give the best service for your customers which will be helpful for them,
and while reviewing to make sure you do the whole task along with your team,
because together you will be able to deliver the best from the rest, as your customers are the end -users of your product or service

 3  Promoting products is all about communication

Once you get to know your compelling value proposition, which brings your customers into your business it will be much more useful for you to understand and develop communication skills effectively with your customers,
and that is the most important thing which falls under marketing strategy.So I hope you have understood how a strong CVP provides a platform for your marketing strategy.

Customers always want to know the truth so without a compelling value proposition few will stay and the rest will walk away.
As long you are providing benefits to your customers, they are certain to remain unchanged, unless there is a fear of losing hope.

Determine the length of your forms –

It’s a fine balance between asking too much information in your form fields, and increasing your conversion rate.The longer your form, generally speaking, the less people are going to make the time and effort to complete it.
Keep your form fields to a minimum such as “first name” and “email” as mandatory contact information.

You can always have optional fields to gather richer customer data – without losing as many leads.
Long or short? There is no ‘one size fits all’ answers.In most cases when the offering is free, a short copy works to a greater degree,

and if you ask for money, longer copy performs in a superior way. The more money, the longer the copy.
There should be a balance between your offers and your Length of the page,
so there’s nothing like “Fits for all” suppose you are giving a free E-books for your visitors so there’s no need to have a vast landing page on that.

The only time you may have to provide overlong narration when you actually want money from your customers.To make money you have to elaborate each and everything precisely, and there you need a lengthy page.
The main reason many people tend to breach out long page it’s because they find it confusing, provocative, Spam and exaggerate.

It’s always difficult to convince people in my perspective but then again, in a case study by Conversion Rate Experts.

Where they tremendously improved the conversions of SEOMoz landing page, one of the key changes they made was the length of the copy:

They stated, “There’s a popular myth among web marketers that “long pages don’t sell.” These people believe that it’s much better to have short pages that don’t require scrolling.What we’ve discovered from many client consultations around the world is this: What counts is not how long your page is but rather how engaging it is.
In our analysis of Rand’s effective face-to-face presentation,

we noticed that he needed at least five minutes to make the case for Moz’s paid product.

Yet the existing page was more like a one-minute summary.Once we added the key elements of Rand’s

Presentation, the page became much longer:”


Who says long pages don’t work? Our page was six times longer than the control. To get a free annotated PDF of the winning Moz page,  subscribe to our free newsletter.

When you use a long narrated page, you make sure people will scroll down. Invite them to do so.
But do you know how far they have scrolled your page?

To check that you can simply use Clicktale or Zestanalytics where you will find scrollmap,

which will well define how far your visitor scrolled within your landing page.
So far, you have created a landing page and also published it, now it’s time for you to see the results and measure your growth

Advanced Web Analytics

As you’re   done with the basics let’s move on to how you can optimize your landing pages with advanced web analytics.Analyzing your visitor’s behavior is a key part of developing a successful high converting landing page.

A few years ago, it was a very difficult and expensive task to achieve, but at present it has become the new trend of the Internet marketing business.At the moment, with advanced analytics, precisely analyzing and keen understanding your visitors behaviors and needs can be done with ease.


A/B Split Testing

Your Landing page is the soul of your business, so your page needs to be decorated in such a way so that it can attract your visitors to fall for the products or services.
You can’t keep on changing your Landing page as it needs to be static,

but you can make it livelier by tweaking here and there to improve your landing page so that you can get in superior way results for your business,
And that’s where A/B testing plays a pivotal role for making your page to a greater degree.


What do you notice on the above design?

As you can see there are two pages,

one with the green background and other than the orange, and the orange one increased sales by 50%?Significant difference you would find that the Highlighted Green CTA button played an outstanding role in increasing sales.

So once you make a habit of using A/B testing it will be much more convenient for you to understand which page works better for your conversions.

To Plan an Effective A/B test you, should make sure Why are you testing and what are you testing

Landing Page SEO

You have to admit it that all businesses want to run their business for the foreseeable period of time unless they are doing seasonal business.To run that for a long period of time, SEO is a big factor in terms of business aspects.

As you got enough number of landing pages linked to your site

By creating huge numbers of landing pages is not sufficient until you could find a way to proper manipulation of SEO,The search hunting grows so as your SEO technique.
So take action on all pages before it starts to fade.

For pages that will be live for any extended period of time, ensure content and

Once a page goes to live for a long period of time you need to make sure your SEO fully optimized to increase the value,

“increasing value” which means you really care about your SEO and its importance.

Some visitors will only read the headline, so be sure to write a strong headline that is clearly relevant to your keyword and add text.

Google looks for relevance between these three elements when determining your landing page Quality Score. For the body, write clear, concise copy that communicates the unique benefits of your offering, so users want to take the next step.
Google believes a single landing page is a perfect match for coding,

as it doesn’t get affected by the overstated functions of a whole website,

also, this works as a standalone landing page for your optimized URL.
Better SEO can minimize your PPC cost but for that you need “MESSAGE MATCHING”
content which will be the exact term which should be synchronized with your SEO titles and links.

Message Match weird trick  for better landing pages

For example:


as I have searched for “how to optimize landing pages for conversions” and lets click on the first link, Notice the search title,


The title where I have  clicked does not match the page headline and there is nothing here that I was searching for. Now, clicked on to another link,


And that link takes us into


And here the page headline is exactly the same as the search title I have clicked.The point is to match your search result title with your page headline.
[Tweet “To assure visitors that they have come to the right place for what they were seeking.”]

Conversion through Video

Upload your video if you haven’t already! Too much worried about text,which is also heavy, too jumbled, too coarse and also not generating desired conversions,
well, don’t get to dishearten as you can generate enough traffic through by simply uploading a video on your landing page,

as videos are always simple to fold into  your strategy. Also it’s an effective way to boost your landing page performance


Visuals are always easy to understand, and visuals work 60,000 faster than text when it processed through your brain.So you can easily communicate to your visitors in a much quicker way,
and that’s when you get to engage through your content with your visitors. However,
make sure it doesn’t seem like a sales pitch. Try to create in such a way as it feels like a story for your visitors, and actually it makes sense!

Thank you page which redirect

After your respondent clicks the submit button and the form is processed,
they are taken to a Thank You Page.

The default message on this page is “Thank you. Your response has been processed successfully.”

You may customize this message or redirect the respondent to a different web address.

Once your visitors response through submit button after filling up a form, it automatically takes them into a page where it shows a simple appreciation towards your prospects by simply saying “Thanks for connecting with us” or any other default message.

You can customize the thank you page’s   message or take them into different URL’s.

Here’s an example of a LinkedIn Marketing Solutions “Thank you” page:

Page Loading Time

Visitors always seem to be in a rush, as they have reasons for that.

If your page takes too long to load your visitors will instantly head way as they could be spending those times in other ways rather than wasting time in your page.
Page load time is important issues from usability perspective,

and that’s why Google has announced that it’s a ranking factor which Google considers for best possible search results.

So Google doesn’t want to send visitors in a page which takes more than 20 seconds to load.

The waiting

See How Can Website Load Time Effect Your Business Income?


Creating and optimizing a landing page it’s all about utilizing your time and effort in a proper way.

So if you can optimize your page by following these effective tips,

it won’t be that much of a difficult to grow your business and earn more profit.

Have any thoughts or questions? Leave them below in the comment section!

Related articles: effective landing pagesA/B testingtop marketing channelscustomer behavior analysis

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